IOS – ny software for checking hardware in iOS


Is there anything like this in iOS for iDevices ?
enter image description here

Best Answer

This question & top answer are very relevant.

Basically "yes", but not so much from a customer / end user standpoint. iOS has a diagnostics tool built in that is accessible from Apple once you give consent.

You can check your iOS device's health using Apple's main support site. From that page you can select iPhone (or iPad), find an issue that would warrant running the diagnostic (I chose power, unexpected shutdown/restart), verify that a restore didn't resolve the issue and then enter your phone number / email address to start the diagnostic process. Apple will text / email you a link to open. The link opens the iOS diagnostic tool, which requires you to click through a legal agreement before starting the test. The test results are sent back to Apple once they finish and you tap "done". Back on the support site the page will refresh and show any issues that were found with the device as well as support options for resolving them.