IOS – iPhone iOS 5 showing incorrect time zone


Recently (and only while at work) my phone has started to claim that its 8 hours ahead of the correct local time (e.g. it is currently a little after 1230 and the iPhone is showing a little after 2030).

If I disable automatic time setting (Settings > General > Date and Time > Set Automatically) and manually confirm my location, all is well and the iPhone shows 1230. (Location services are switched on.)

enter image description here

Of course, this isn't sustainable because I'd like my phone's time to be kept in sync.

From researching a little it seems as though this is a carrier related problem, can anyone confirm that?

Update: After discussing the issue with my carrier's helpdesk they confirmed a problem with one of their cells which they subsequently fixed and which caused my timing issue to go away.

Moral of the story: it's not always something that you can fix by yourself!

Best Answer

You should see the Location you are in under the set automaticly button. As below. It is greyed out, as this is taken from your current location, so you must have location service enabled.

enter image description here