IOS – iPhone app for easy dictation and sending


Here is what I want:

I click a button in the app, and I start dictating. When I am done I press OK, and it either sends the sound-file directly to a predefined email or at least prompts me to do so.

Think of it like dictating something and sending the wav/mp3 of it to an assistant straight away.

Does an app like that exist? I tried Googling for dictation apps etc, but could not seem to find a good match.

Best Answer

If you don't mind an extra step, Voice Memos does almost exactly that. It comes with iOS.

  1. Run Voice Memos
  2. Tap record (left button)
  3. When you're done tap stop then list (both are the right button, in other words double tap)
  4. Select the memo and tap Share