IOS – iPhone 7 – Can’t update apps


When I try to update an app, it says Verification Required, and when I try to fill in my PayPal account, it declines due to an issue with my PayPal account, and I think the same problem applies to credit and debit cards (I don't have a credit or debit card).

I tried reading many tutorials, and people who had the same issue as me, and none seemed to have fixed my issue. (I can't choose None when I try to edit my Apple ID payment information, and I don't own a iTunes gift card or a Mac.) I am clueless, and confused. I really need some help.

Best Answer

If you can‘t select „None“ you must enter some payment details to re-enable your account. So either get your PayPal account fixed, create a new PayPal account, or get a credit card (or ask Antriebs to help you out with one).

If all these options are unavailable to you right now you can try tinsort it out with Apple Support. Contact details depend by country etc but can be found at the bottom of apple,com.