IOS / iPadOS mouse scrolling not working


I´m currently checking out the mouse support in iPadOS 13.4 on my gen 3 iPad Air. Scrolling does not seem to work anywhere. Is this by design or do I need to configure something to make it work?

According to the iPadOS features, it supports 3rd party Bluetooth mice

Mouse and trackpad support

iPadOS supports Magic Keyboard, Magic Mouse, and Magic Trackpad, as well as third‑party mice using Bluetooth and USB.

I tested it with the gen 2 Magic Mouse and I`m also using the Apple Smart Keyboard.

Best Answer

The scrolling feature appears broken since I have the same issue. A workaround is to move the cursor to the area you want to scroll. Press and hold down the mouse button and move the mouse forward or backward. This will scroll the area you selected.