IOS – iPad and iPod virus


Every now and then my iPad or iPod touch will redirect my to a particular site in Safari. Could this be malware of sorts that has crept on to my iMac and then my iOS devices? I don't think it's a popup because it happens at random.

For the record, the site is


This does not happen on iMac, come to think of it. I'm using an open access point in a residential area (I usually use one or two) and my devices are not jailbroken.

Best Answer

Okay, I think I've tracked this one down. It isn't a problem with your iPod or iPad, it's a problem with the router itself. Its DNS has been overwritten so that it randomly (about 5% of the time) will redirect you to one of their sites.

Because you're using someone else's open access point, there really isn't anything that you can do about it except to stop using that particular router.

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