iOS 14 – How to Return Icons to Normal Size


Throughout all history of iOS, the icons have had certain dimensions. Now, Apple for some reason decided to ruin this and made them smaller a little bit. They ruinded this, just as everything else, bit by bit. But, does anyone know how to return the icons to their original (pre – iOS 14)normal size, which has been throughout all older iOS-s?

ios 14

ios 13

To see this, open both of these images each in a new tab and click between them couple of times. You will see how the icons change size significantly…..I really would love to be able to go back to ios 13…..

Best Answer

I honestly don't see something blatantly different, but if you feel bad about it I suggest you tell Apple directly through this link

Besides that there is no other options in display to change the icon size it's either the "default" or "big".