IOS – Hyperlinked iOS mail signature, any ideas


I am a support technician for a school district. I've found it helpful to have links in my email signature to our helpdesk form, staff directory, HowTo documents, etc. Using meaning titles as opposed to raw URLs…  For the sake of cosistancey, I'd like to be able to have the same/similar signature on my iPad as I do in outlook. 

On the iPad, i've attempted to embed HTML but after testing it all I receive in an email is the uninterpereted code, not a nice clickable link.  I've google around and looked in the app store and haven't been able to find a solution or someone saying that this isn't possible.

My last attempt a googling a found this for OSX's mail app and it gives me alittle hope that what I want may be possible.

Any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer

Have tried MarkdownMail?

What you would have to do is to write your email in Markdown in the app, then paste your signature (there's a TextExpander functionality in the app so you can reuse it easily)
The app will then generate an HTML version and directly paste it into a new mail.

All you'll have to do is pick the subject, the recipient and send it.