IOS – How to undo/redo in iOS w/o shaking the iPhone


Are there alternative ways to quickly undo/redo changes?

Best Answer

2019 Update

iOS 13 now supports gestures to easily undo/redo!

  • Three finger swipe:
    • right to left - undo
    • left to right - redo
  • Double-tap with three fingers - undo
  • Three finger tap - open shortcut menu containing buttons to undo, cut, copy, paste, and redo (screenshot below)

three finger tap shows menu

More info about the new gestures (including copy, cut, and paste) can be found in this article.

NOTE: These gestures should work across all apps that support undo/redo functionality!

Hat tip to @Jaime Santa Cruz's answer, which prompted this update.

You can now press undo/redo buttons in iOS 11 on the iPhone!

Open notes, view a note in landscape, and you'll see arrows on the bottom left!

enter image description here

NOTE: Seems to only work with notes under an iCloud account