IOS – How to turn off sound effects


iOS emits a variety of unnecessary sound effects in response to user interaction, e.g.:

  • Connect a power source.
  • Take a photo.
  • Capture a screenshot.
  • Authorize an App Store purchase.

How do I disable them?

What I’ve tried:

  • Since every other operating system I’ve used has a simple setting for this—

    • macOS: System Preferences → Sound → Play user interface sound effects
    • Windows: Control Panel → Sound → Sounds → No Sounds
    • Ubuntu: System Settings → Sound → Sound Effects → Mute
    • Android: Settings → Sound → Other sounds → …

    —I expected that iOS would have one too. I looked around in Settings → Sounds & Haptics but couldn’t find it.

  • Physically switching the iPhone’s ring/silent switch to silent does successfully mute sound effects, but this has the undesirable side effect of stopping my phone from ringing.

    I have no problem with the phone making noise when it needs my attention; it’s the redundant, often skeuomorphic sounds that I’m asking about disabling.

Best Answer

I conclude that this is not possible in iOS.