iPhone Storage – How to Stop Auto Deleting App Data


I have noticed that an app I use has been requiring me to download tons of data whilst in the app despite there not being any new (internal, I.e. non-AppStore based) updates. As far as I can tell at some point in time, perhaps near the release of iOS 11, Apple added a new feature which causes iPhones to delete app data (documents etc.) partially or completely. I’ve seen a few people mention this online but I haven’t heard of any solution besides ”delete some data yourself” which doesn’t seem to always work either. Is there any way to disable this? Thanks in advance…

Best Answer

In iOS 11 you can have the system 'offload' rarely-used apps and their associated data. In prior iOS versions, once an app is deleted all its data is deleted, too. Now you can change that.

By default, this selection is turned on. It's very simple to turn it off (and back on, if you want). You can do this by individual app for the the entire device.


Individual App

  1. Go to Settings -> General -> iPhone Storage
  2. Tap the app you want to offload

enter image description here

  1. Tap Offload App and then confirm

enter image description here

Its documents and data will be stored on your device. And, when you reinstall the app, all of the data is automatically restored.

Automatically for the device

  1. Go to Settings -> General -> iPhone Storage
  2. Tap on Enable next to Offload Unused Apps

enter image description here

That's all you need to do. If you don't want this to be done automatically any more, simple disable the selection.