IOS – How to show geolocation of one specific photo on a map in iOS


Just changed from Samsung Galaxy 5 to iPhone. Galaxy's feature I liked was click on a photo, then more info, and if the photo was geotagged, it would open a map showing location.

I can only show location of groups of photos on my iPhone, is there any way to select a single photo and show the location on a map? I see the generic location (i.e., Downtown Long Beach) but I can not see a specific location.

Anyone know a way to bring up a map of a single selected photo?

Best Answer

In iOS 12 fsb’s answer doesn’t seem to work any more. A different way is via Apple’s Shortcut app. In the gallery you can find a shortcut named “Where was this taken?”. If you add this and let the actions show up in the share sheet. Then you will be taken to the location by:

  1. Select the photo
  2. Press the “share” icon
  3. Select “Shortcuts”
  4. Select “Where was this taken?”
  5. Done, you should now see the map app and the location of your photo