IOS – How to set up an iOS compatible network pdf printer

iosNetworkpdfprintingsnow leopard

I would like to have the ability to generate pdfs from the applications on iPad and iPhone that are print capable.

What I am asking for here is an object that would appear as a printer in OS X, but is actually set up as a virtual printer, a bit of software that anything that can print sees exactly as a printer, that can be shared over a local network and will list in any apps on any iOS devices that are currently running print-capable apps.

Simply put: how do I set up a local network pdf printer for iPad?

I need this to work with iOS5 and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.

Best Answer

1 - Install PDFwriter (free). It will allow you to add a new printer in Settings > Printer & Scanners > + button. When you print using this new printer, it will generate a PDF file under /Users/Shared/[username]/

2 - Install handyPrint (donationware). It will allow you to share the virtual PDF printer with the mobile devices.

You might need to disable or create a custom rule on the Mac's firewall so that the devices will find the printer. Change this under Settings > Security & Privacy > Firewall.

PS: I have only used on Mavericks and iOS 6, but I'm 97,21% sure it will work on Snow Leopard and iOS 5.

PPS: There might be similar programs to acomplish this, you don't really need these ones. If you want to see alternatives, search for "virtual printer mac".