How to Create Todoist Tasks with Siri


I recently started using Todoist as the primary reminder/task management app on my iPhone. However, one feature I miss from Apple's native Reminders app is being able to create reminders using Siri commands. (ie: "Remind me to buy groceries tomorrow")

Is it possible to create Todoist reminders using Siri? Or is Siri only able to interact with Apple's native Reminders app?

Apple reminders with Siri

Best Answer

For now this feature is only available for Reminders.

In iOS 11 it's possible for todo list apps to use Siri. So you need to wait for iOS 11 and for the developer of Todoist to update it's app to add support for Siri.

SiriKit gives developers the ability to integrate Siri into their apps, and with iOS 11 it expands to support more categories, including to-do lists, notes and reminders; banking for account transfers and balances; and apps that display QR codes.

Source: look for SiriKit