IOS – Firewall with application rules for iPad


I've read some other topics about not needed firewall for iPad's, but I'm searching the other way of security or (more important) to help my budget.
I need firewall that has incoming/outcoming rules for every app. Rules should be remembered and asked only once, but easily to change. Good would be having profiles which I could switch when needed.

Is something like this available for iPad? Is it working without Jailbreak?

P.S. It should block apple services too when I want to.

Best Answer

Firewall iP

Firewall iP lets you block connections from apps on your jailbroken iOS device. You can set up custom rules to block/allow certain TCP & UDP connections.

iOS 7

In response to your comment about 3G data, in iOS 7 you can specifically set certain apps/services through your 3G data connection: