Xcode Icon Missing – Find Missing App Icon in Xcode


I already published an app succesfull to the appstore.
But now something has changed and I get an error when publish again the same app:

  • Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad 152×152
  • Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad 167×167

How can I find out which of the icons are wrong. I cant see any slot with 152pt in the appicon.xcassets.

I have already created all possible icons with an icon-maker tool and I see all icons of my appicon.xcasset, but now something seems to have changed.
I can't figure out which one is missing.

Any hints ?

Best Answer

The error is telling you which icons are missing. Go to images.xcassets and click on AppIcon. You'll see the 76pt 2x (76 * 2 = 152) and 83.5 2x (83.5 * 2 - 167).