How to Export Data from Couple Messaging App


My girlfriend and I have been using the Couple messaging app [0] to keep in touch. It has lots of texts and photos going back to the start of our relationship. They are valuable memories, but there is no way to export them.

The iOS App Store says that app hasn't been updated since 2014, and my emails to Couple are going unanswered. Their blog [1] says that they sold out to Life360, but they are also not answering my emails.

So I was wondering if anyone could help me to export my texts and photos from Couple. They have both a mobile phone app and a web app.



Best Answer

I'm leaving the Couple app for the same reason. It's a shame. I was a huge advocate for it over the past few years.

Good news. I found a way to get all your messages.

  1. Visit and log in.
  2. Open a separate tab and visit (this may take a while to load depending on how many messages you have).
    • This API is how it fetches your messages while you're scrolling (but it batches it by 55 messages at a time).
    • Let me know if this URL doesn't work. I don't believe it's user-specific (but the number 1 can seemingly be interchanged with numbers between 1 and 31). If you want to try and find it yourself, open up the Network Inspector in Chrome and scroll until a batch of messages has to be fetched. There should be a url with the word 'timeline' in it that shows up (you'll need to strip off anything passed 'timeline' from the url to get all of your messages).
  3. You should now have a JSON representation of all of your messages.

    • i.e. A lot should look like this

          "eventType": "text",
          "text": "A cat?",
          "pairingID": [redacted by me],
          "timeStamp": 1345602786515,
          "itemID": "[redacted by me]",
          "lID": "[redacted by me]",
          "from": ""
    • Event types of 'text' allow you to see the texts you've written. Event types of 'image' have an image url you can download.
  4. From the File menu, select 'Save Page As...' and save the file (onto your desktop and name it couple_backup.json if you want to use the tip below).
  5. That's it!

I'm not sure how comfortable your are with the JSON format. But all the data is there for the pickin'. In case you're not super comfortable, here's a way to get the JSON to be slightly more readable (only will work on a Mac):

  1. Open the Terminal app.
  2. Paste cat ~/Desktop/couple_backup.json | python -m json.tool > ~/Desktop/formatted_couple_backup.json into a Terminal window and hit Enter.
    • This should format the JSON to make it more readable and save that to a file named formatted_couple_backup.json on your Desktop

Maybe I'll create a Couple Exporter app one day to help people like us that could go through and automatically download all the images or something. This can work for now.