IOS – Enable keyboard tweaks on apps which run as root


I am using exKey and KeyShorcut Pro tweaks for customization of my iOS keyboard, on a jailbroken iPhone. I wanted to duplicate my Facebook app and used to duplicate Facebook as it supports iOS 9.0.2. I installed 'Facebook 2' from this site.

When I try to use 'Facebook 2' app, the iOS keyboard is shown like Cydia, iFile (exKey and KeyShorcut Pro features are not shown) and I must write my Facebook password every time I open the duplicate Facebook app. I want to use KeyShorcut Pro tweak with this duplicate Facebook app because I don't want to always write my long Facebook password and want to set it to a key shortcut.

How can enable keyboard tweak features on a iOS app which runs as root?

Best Answer

Its not possible. Cydia Enable tweak already doing this. Just a problem. Not updated for 1.1.26 of Cydia version.