IOS – Drag-dropping M4R Ringtone to iTunes 12.0.1 to appear in iTunes ringtone folder


I followed the instructions here for older iTunes but things have apparently changed in iTunes 12.0.1 and iOS 8.1. The drag-dropping and the double-clicking the M4R file do not work anymore. So

How can I create a ringtone to appear in iPhone and iTunes ringtone folder for iTunes12 and iOS8?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I just tested and the process worked correctly in iTunes 12.0.1. However, I did initially encounter an issue when I tried to add a file that had the same name and was the same size as a song already in my iTunes Library.

Here are the steps I followed:

  1. I dragged-and-dropped MyFile.mp3 into iTunes.

  2. I right-clicked on it and chose "Create AAC Version".

  3. I right-clicked on the AAC version and chose "Show in Finder".

  4. I dragged-and-dropped the AAC version onto my desktop, creating a copy.

  5. I renamed the file on my desktop to MyFile.m4r.

  6. I dragged-and-dropped the file back into iTunes. This didn't do anything. However, having read that iTunes sometimes refuses to import files like this, since it thinks they are identical, I removed the AAC version from iTunes.

  7. I again dragged-and-dropped the m4r version into iTunes, and this time it showed up in the Tones section of the Library correctly.