IOS – Display a pixel-for-pixel copy of a Mac-created Keynote presentation on iPad


Is there a way to get a pixel for pixel copy of a Mac-created Keynote presentation onto an iPad to present on an external display? The iOS Keynote app often has great trouble in importing Mac-Keynote documents (lacks 16×9 resolution, fonts, etc). I don't want to convert the presentation to a PDF, as this removes animations/videos/etc. Converting to a Quicktime file also does not work, as there isn't any way to manually advance a Quicktime "slide" on the iPad.

It's quite probable that there is no solution, but I'm eager to hear suggestions I may have overlooked.

Best Answer

Staying with the keynote format, no. I you export to a QuickTime movie, you will have the best chance to preserve the slide deck as it was on the Mac when saving it alone doesn't work.

You can only work around this by getting the mac pixels on the iPad since this appears to be an inherent limitation of the iOS app as written today.

Have you tried using Air Display to add the iPad as a second monitor and tell Keynote to present on the iPad? The company does awesome work and like any screen sharing over a network, there is latency and/or slight rendering artifacts, but it's better than other apps in that space as any I've seen.