IOS – Determine which device AirPods have connected to using Siri


When I put on my AirPods, they automatically connect to the device that they were most recently connected to. However, without checking each device, I'm not sure which device they've connected to.

I'm looking for a command I can say to Siri that will differentiate the device so that I know which device they have connected to. Ideally, it would be something like

  • Which device are my AirPods connected to?

but if that's not possible then another phrase that identifies the connected device. It has to be something that only needs voice/hearing, not looking at any device's screen.

Best Answer

For iOS devices you can use this shortcut. I am not able to test it on macos, but it works on my iPad Pro and my iPhone X. When I try it on my Series 3 Apple Watch it just hangs. Just assign it whatever custom text you want Siri to recognize.