IOS – contact the friends to post reviews for the app in the App Store


I am releasing a new app to the App Store, and I think that I would be great if I can contact my friends to post reviews on the app. But Apple says that developers that attempt to fake reviews will be expelled from the Developer Program, as indicated in App Store Review Guidelines rule 3.10. However, I also saw an article on the Web that recommends the approach of contacting your friends and acquaintances to post a review on the App Store for your app (, in section Where to Start/Launch/Step 1). So will I be expelled from the Developer Program if I contact my friends to post reviews for my app? Thanks very much.

Best Answer

I think if all you're doing is telling your friends about your app and encouraging them to post honest reviews in the App Store, that's probably fine.

If, however, you were trying to get your friends who'd never even used the app to positively review it in the App Store, that would probably be considered a breach of that rule.