IOS – Connect to Mac remotely using iOS, BTMM address and a VNC client

back-to-my-macicloudiosremote desktop

Which iOS app is able to connect to a Mac using its BTMM (Back to my Mac) address?

The address looks like this:

On a Mac using Screen, Apple Remote Desktop and Screens for Mac I can easily establish a connection.

With iOS using apps like iTeleport and Screens for iOS, however, I wasn't. All I get are connection errors.

Any helpful comment is appreciated.

Best Answer

Not everyone can use the URL to connect. The connection is only successful when both parties in the connection are logged in to the same iCloud account. When you're accessing the URL on your Mac, you're logged in to iCloud so it works.

With iOS, I don't have experience trying to use a BTMM address there but I presume it is due to this. Try logging in to the same iCloud account on your iOS device, but if it doesn't work then it'll be because Apple don't expect you to be connecting over the BTMM address manually on iOS.