IOS – Completely uninstall iOS App and all associated data



I am a server-side developer working on an API for an iOS app. From time to time as we are in development (when we have big database changes) we reset our server. This process clears all the server-side data for a member including any App device tokens used for push notifications.


At the same time as I reset the server database I have been trying to uninstall the app and delete any associated app data. I was hoping that if I did this the next time I install the App it would be like it was a first time download again. This is not working.

How I am doing this:

I have tried the steps listed on the following site

I have also tried uninstalling via the phone:

Under Settings > General > Usage > STORAGE > Manage Storage. I have been clicking on the app and then clicking Delete App;

Under Settings > General > Usage > ICLOUD > Manage Storage. I have been clicking on the current device, then selecting the app and turning off backup and deleting.

I had hoped that this would remove all data so that when I reinstall via Xcode or Test Flight App, the app would start just like a first time user again. However this is not happening. The app still seems to remember some settings, in particular it thinks I have already sent my device token and won't prompt me for it again.


How should I be uninstalling an app form a device so that all app data is removed and the next time a reinstall I am treated as a new user?

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