IOS – download apps from the US app store if I’m using a different store


Can I download apps from the US apps Store even if I'm currently using the italian store ?

For example, I would like to download Spotify, which is not available in the Italian store:

Should I change credit card? Or can I use the same one?

Best Answer

To expand on EmmEff answer, we do this in South AFrica quite often.

  • Register a US account using a valid US Address (The US Yellow Pages Helps)
  • Do not register a credit card
  • Download free apps, books, music etc.
  • Purchase US iTunes gift cards online and load onto account
  • Buy software, books and music.

Please note, South Africa has a severely restricted App Store, and we cannot purchase games, music or books any other way, and due to legal issues with classification of items, will most likely never be able too