IOS – Calculating a custom total for a column on iPad mini and Numbers


How do I make a formula to total (sum) a column using Numbers on iOS, but exclude negative numbers? (Only sum positive numbers)


| LIST  |
|      1|
|      2|
|      3|
|      0|
|     -1|
|     -2|
|     -3|
|Total 6|

Basically, how can I calculate a total but ignoring negative numbers in the column?

Best Answer

Summing a column with conditions can be done with the SUMIF() or SUMIFS functions.

The SUMIF function is a worksheet function that adds all numbers in a range of cells based on one criteria (for example, is equal to 2000). To add numbers in a range based on multiple criteria, try the SUMIFS function.

For example:

=SUMIFS(A2:A10, A2:A10, “>0”)

Looks at all values greater than 0 and totals them up.

SUMIFS Function

To use formulas and functions in Numbers for iOS:

  • Select the cell in which you wish to have the calculation. (In the attached example, for instance, cell A11)
  • Type the equals sign character = or select circled equals sign icon.
  • Start typing the name of the function you wish to use, or tap the fx at the top left of the virtual keyboard to see a list of functions to choose from.

For more detailed information on how to use formulas and functions in Numbers for iOS, please see the official documentation here from Apple.

Enter a function in Numbers for iOS

Functions list