iPhone 6 – Fix Birthday Reset Issue


I entered my birthday into my contact information on my phone very soon after I bought it, which was about a year ago. But last night (December 31st) after midnight, my phone changed my birthday to January 1st, 1989.

I've tried to change it in my contact information, but it just resets it again.

It uses this date wherever I might look at my birthday. For example, on January 1st it said happy birthday in the Notification Center. It also uses this date as my birthday in the calendar or if I ask siri

Any idea why this is happening and/or how I might be able to fix it?

Best Answer

Happy birthday Josh. My first thought is that your battery may have defaulted your system clock so you could try reboot, then make sure your clock retrieves the real time from Apple servers, make sure you set the correct timezone, then reenter your birthday on the calendar. Let us know how this turns out.