IOS – Beamer keeps asking PIN code connecting to Apple TV


All of a sudden Beamer can't connect to my Apple TV anymore. When I'd like to play a movie it asks PIN code. I enter the PIN code displayed on the TV screen, and seemingly it does not accept it because in the following moment a new enter password window comes up in Beamer and a bit later a new PIN code is displayed on the TV.

Something went south. I haven't changed my network setup and haven't touched any setup of Apple TV.

However, my Iphone can connect to Apple TV and I can use it as remote. I can connect to Apple TV from my Macbook Pro and share my screen. Beamer is displayed in Apple TV setups as Unknown device.

I checked, 25 March a new TvOs was released, my device has this version. Is there any chance Apple introduced something "magic" in this update cause my issue? If it is true, in general how quickly Beamer guys release some solution for this?

I did so far the following any result:

  • restart MBP
  • restart Apple TV
  • delete Beamer with its cache and other crap it produces (ForkLift helps to delete these files as far as I see)
  • Beamer beta version (no available beta version right now)
  • factory reset of Apple TV
  • I read through multiple issues on Apple's site, but no result

Honeslty, I run out of possible solutions.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Same thing happened to me. Definitely an issue with the new tvOS. Beamer just has to update their app so it's compatible. I've already shot an email to their support team to let them know. Right now the only workaround I've found is to set the Apple TV to require a password (not a 4 digit PIN) - it should say what it is directly below that (like a 6 digit number) and then when Beamer asks for the password - just enter that and it'll accept it.