IOS – App Store Broken Download Xcode (Mac Os X Mountain Lion) Debug, Reset doesnt help!


I started download Xcode 4 within App Store, it made some 200MB, then I had to move and closed my MBP.

Afterwards it didnt restart the download and I was getting nervous clicking around.

End of story: App Store shows Xcode as "ready to install" (which is aboslutely impossible since there have been over 1G still to be loaded with not a too good broad band connection)

Clicking on install just yield and endless "wait.."

I also used the Debug view to "Reset Applications" – still shows as "ready to install"

Under /Applications there is no install X Code folder to delete

Viewing the download folder (from debug view) there is also nothing to delete

So the question is: how the hell am I supposed to fix this broken download?

Best Answer

Now Xcode shows directly as "" in /Applications. Is there anything there ?

I deleted the (full) app from my /Applications folder, relaunched App Store and it was possible to click on "Install" again.