IOS – Anyone know of a timecard app that uses GPS


I'd like to log the hours I'm at work using the GPS on my iPhone. (It'd start logging when I get to work, then stop when I leave for lunch, etc)

If possible, I'd like to be able to log the time at multiple locations, so I could see for each day time at home ~12h, work ~9h, commuting ~3h

Best Answer

This app should do the trick.

  • Has GPS functions
  • Allows you to store and name multiple working locations
  • Allows you to start, stop and set breaks on the timer.

How to use (from app description):

  1. Download the app and wait till you arrive at your office.

  2. Once there, activate the GPS tracking feature and go to the preferences page.

  3. Register your current location as a working location (you can store more than one location for the same place, making the tracking more reliable).
  4. Setup the amount of hours you plan to work (by default it is 8 hours).
  5. If you leave the office before this amount of time expires, the timer will automatically enter in break mode (useful for lunch breaks)
  6. When the timer reaches the planned working hours value, a ringtone will play and you will know that you can leave the office.
  7. After the planned working time is passed, leaving the office will automatically stop the timer, and the working time info will be available in the history page.

  8. After the initial setup you won't need to do anything else but keeping the app alive in background to keep track of your working time.