IOS – Any REAL good Mac/iPhone combo IM applications out there


I am looking for a combo of two IM applications, one for the Mac and the other for the iPhone. The main features I am looking for are as follows:

  1. supports MSN (Microsoft messenger)
  2. has Push Notifications on the iPhone
  3. has a unified session (will explain below)
  4. doesn't have stupid bugs (Trillian will not let you copy with ⌘C)
  5. does not ask me to email someone that is invisible/offline (instead of messaging)

Unified session – I want the two apps (iOS and OSX) to share the same session, so when I leave the one and fire up the other, it should have my chats already there, exactly as I left them on the other device.

I have tried Meebo and Trillian thus far.

Meebo not being a Mac application did not feel right (not even when I applified it using Fluid) but its unified session (in the cloud) was pretty good. The iOS app was good.

Trillian is a great application on both iOS and OSX but has some stupidities built in (like the copy to clipboard bug I mentioned earlier).

What I'm actually looking for is something better than Trillian.

PS: since I'm a developer, open-source is a plus

Best Answer

I'm not sure about the unified session requirement - I've never seen that in any IM client.

However, I find Adium ( is the best Mac IM application (and it's open source!).

As for the iPhone, have you considered IM+ ( It works quite well for me.

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