IOS 7 weather app shows wrong sunrise/sunset time


The new update for the weather app in iOS 7 is confused as to day/night, the time for sunrise/sunset. To find sunset or sunrise, swipe left or right on the hourly overview that's in the middle under the temperature / detail tap target.

enter image description here

For example, Selah WA says sunrise is at 10:46 pm today (4 October) and that it's dark at 3 pm. Is there any way to fix this problem?

Best Answer

The clear error would be a city in another state or country.

The sunrise and sunset data for Minneapolis, KS is going to be different than Minneapolis, MN.

Once you have ruled that out, you might need to file a bug with Apple in the case that their app is either requesting the wrong data from the weather service provider or the data source needs to be corrected. In both cases, you can't really change what happens in code or upstream and could only try to find a location that's close enough for weather purposes that has correct (or close enough) sunrise and sunset data. might also be workable rather than filing a bug if enough people have issues where the current data set is lacking or off by hours.