Install Unison, simple way


Is there any simple way to install Unison (text version), on OSX?

On Ubuntu it's 'sudo apt-get install unison'.
And that's it.

I have read the following guide:
it's on page 8, lower half. But it strikes me as strange for they claim unix systems to need this complex procedure for installing as I have clearly seen none of this is necessary on Ubuntu. Therefore I wonder if there is not a comparably simple procedure available for OSX.

Best Answer

The difference is that you are using a pre-built package under Linux but are looking at the compile-it-yourself instructions (which would work both for Linux and for OS X).

There are at least two options to solve that:

  • Use one of the package managers available for OS X, e.g. Homebrew and install Unison by running

    brew install unison

    You will need Xcode installed as well for this

  • Follow the "Download" link on and download pre-compiled versions from here.