iTunes – How to Import CDA Song Files into iTunes


I have a mac without a disc drive on it, I also have some CDA files on my computer that need to be interpreted into an audio format that is more compatible with modern music programs so that I'm actually able to use them

music files

iTunes is an amazing program to do this with, but it's not letting me import the files into it.

I've tried:

  1. Double-clicking on the files
  2. Right-clicking on the files and choosing iTunes to open them with
  3. Dragging and dropping the files into iTunes (Even though I was pretty sure that wouldn't work because of the way drag and drop works)
  4. Importing the CDA files into Audacity

Also, I'm having some trouble finding another converter online, and since I love the simple design of iTunes, I would much rather prefer to convert the files on there.

Best Answer

CDA files are not song files, it's just a shortcut. It doesn't contain any song information, so you can't convert it to other formats. You need to import cd into a usable format using iTunes on the computer that owns the disc drive.


Note that macOS sees them as "exec" files just because it does not recognize the file type and does not know what else to do with it.