Find Specifications for Old Apple Computers

imacmac promacbook pro

I recently noticed that it no longer appears possible to view the specifications for old Apple computers directly from the Apple website; their specification pages appear to have been deleted. I'm mainly referring to MacBook/MacBook Pro/iMac/MacBook Air/Mac Pro models produced between 2006 and the current day. I'm aware that multiple third-party websites exist that have this info, but is there an easy-to-find list of archived URLs for the spec pages for these older models that were previously contained on the Apple Support pages?

Best Answer

I recently noticed that it no longer appears possible to view the specifications for old Apple computers directly from the Apple website; their specification pages appear to have been deleted.

If you're referring to the Technical Specifications pages, they are still there. You just have to click the Load more results button at the bottom of the page, until you've reached the model you looking for.

This list current as of May 8, 2020 and are direct links to Apple Tech Support Documents from its website for Mac Notebooks and Mac Desktops back thru 2006:

Mac Notebooks

Mac Desktops