IMac – Is it possible to install Windows Vista 64-bit on mid 2010 27″ iMac w/ Mavericks


I have a legal copy of Vista which I used to use before I had a drive failure on my mid 2010 27" iMac. Since then I've installed OSX Mavericks, and now it's telling me that only Windows 7 and 8 are supported via Boot Camp.

I tried circumventing this by booting from the Vista disk, but it won't let me install because now OSX uses GPT instead of MBR (or so it seems). I really don't want to have to buy Windows 7 since I only need Windows for a few games. Is there any way around or am I stuck?

Best Answer

You can do it without using Boot Camp, just make this few steps:

  1. Install rEFIt.

  2. Resize your disk so you get some free space for vista.

  3. Create a new partition from that free space.

  4. Boot up your Mac with the Vista install disk inserted.

  5. Install Vista onto the new created partition.

If you need a more detailed How-To/Tutorial/Manual/Assist (or what ever you will call it), have a look here