Display – Arranging 3 Monitors with Dock in the Middle on iMac


I have an iMac 27 inch with a 22 inch monitor to the left and a 23 inch monitor to the right. I want the dock to be in the middle and want all monitors to be arranged from left to right. I keep my dock on the left hand side of my monitor. So when I position my monitors left to right it moves to the most left monitor.

Is there a way I can force the dock to stay on the middle monitor and not move to the left monitor?

Software version 10.11.1

Best Answer

Switch off 'Displays have separate Spaces' in System Prefs > Mission control.

enter image description here

Then set the middle monitor to be the primary in
System prefs > Displays > Arrangement
by dragging the menu bar to that monitor

enter image description here

After the question edit -
I'm afraid if you want the Dock on the left edge there is no way to achieve this. The above solution only applies if you have the Dock at the bottom, otherwise it has nowhere to 'sit' & will always go to the first 'edge' it can find, which in this case is the left side of the left monitor.

You could try looking at something like DragThing instead, which can be anchored anywhere. I actually anchor mine to the right of my left monitor on a 2-screen setup, which effectively puts it where the red bar is on this image.

Late Edit
DragThing, after 20 years of sterling service, will no longer be supported after Mojave & is no longer available for purchase.

enter image description here