iCloud Keychain – Syncing with Chrome Passwords


Is there a tool or a process where I can export/sync my Google Chrome saved passwords into iCloud Keychain?

Best Answer

I just did that using Safari 13.1.1 (on Catalina 10.15.5).

  1. Open Chrome (if not already running) to refresh its cache
  2. Quit Chrome completely (-Q)
  3. Open Safari (if not already running)
  4. Click File > Import From > Google Chrome..., select Password (and, optionally, Bookmarks and/or History), click Import
  5. Enter login password & click Allow twice (once to use "Chrome Safe Storage" information, and once to access it)
  6. Voilà, all your preciously maintained Chrome passwords are available in Keychain across all your devices & apps!

This is a one-time operation and has to be repeated periodically; it also does not provide synchronization the other way...