ICloud – How to use the verification code to generate a password for icloud server smtp.mail.me.com password


Suddenly I began getting a box asking me to enter the password for my Gmail account for the server: smtp.mail.me.com. How do I find that out? The issue seems to be between my Microsoft/Windows Outlook email box and the Gmail box I access on the Google site.

I had a password before, what happened and why? Now what?

Best Answer

I've seen this happen from time to time. So you have both a Gmail and a .me/.mac/icloud (Apple) email address?

If so mail.app (or whatever you are using as a mail client) has gotten confused about what server to use for what account. This should be easy to fix.

  1. Open mail.app and select Preferences from the Mail menu
  2. Select the Accounts icon at the top of the preferences window
  3. On the left is a list of your mail accounts. Select the first one
  4. Now select Server settings and see what server is listed at the bottom under Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP).

The latter should correspond to the account you have selected. So if you selected your Gmail account your server should have gmail in the name and not me.com. If it does change it to the one in the menu for gmail.

Now if you are using Outlook for email that is similar but not exactly the same. I don't have Outlook set up for Gmail so I can't help you there.

If I have missed something let me know and we'll go from there.