ICloud Contacts web interface on Windows – How to copy an address


I maintain my contact list on an iPad/iPhone and use iCloud's web interface on my desktop PC.

I cannot find any way to copy any data that is also a link, such as a person's address or email, from the iCloud web interface. The usual Alt-hilight to bypass link-following does not highlight, and right-clicking does not provide any "copy" option.

Is there a way to highlight and copy information from the iCloud web interface when that information is also a link?

Best Answer

After some experimentation in different browsers I have come to the conclusion that on Firefox, the alt-click-drag action to select link text while suppressing link-follow seems to require finer mouse-cursor placement. Start just outside the bounding box and nothing gets selected; start too far in and one character doesn't get selected.

But at least you CAN select the text. It goes into the clipboard with each field followed by a newline, but that's a minor issue. There really should be a "copy to clipboard" button.