ICal shows an event that the Google Calendar doesn’t have


I subscribed to a google calendar and all was going well until today that I saw an event on iCal and when checking on the web the event isn't there.

I synced with ⌘+R and ⌘+⇧+R and the event is still showing, the event is a repeating one on google calendar that in the date it shows on iCal was deleted on Google.

iCal version 5.0.2

Best Answer

I've seen this same problem when I use ical for Outlook synching. Drives me crazy. Today I figured out a solution. Go to your Google calendar and "Search" for the offending meeting (just use some key word). In my case, it found the meetings. I simply expanded the meeting info in the search results and it allowed me to delete the meeting. Then, give Outlook some time to resynch and it will be gone.