I modified the ‘com.apple.screencapture.plist’ file and now the screenshots don’t save

keyboardscreen capture

In Terminal, I executed the following lines:

defaults write com.apple.screencapture location ~/Desktop/
killall SystemUIServer

But try as I might, my screenshots never save to the Desktop. In fact, I have no idea where they go!

Here's a GIF demonstrating the problem:

GIF of terminal showing screen capture

Here's a screenshot of my keyboard settings (to show that there are no conflicts or that I'm not accidentally copying to clipboard):

Image of keyboard settings

Does anyone have an idea?

Best Answer

Assuming that you are running the latest version of macOS, with iCloud Drive activated and the "Desktop & Documents Folders" option selected, the ~/Desktop is no longer your regular desktop folder, as it's synchronized with iCloud.

My suggestion: drag any file from your desktop to a terminal window, and it will show the full path for the file in the desktop folder.

Hope it helps.