I have lost the prompt on Terminal on the Mac; unable to get commands to work

bashcommand lineterminal

I was trying to launch a few Java applications using the terminal. The command that I was instructed to launch it with (I was following a guide) was the following:

cd "$( dirname "$0" )"
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar

It worked the first time, which was a test run, so I hide the terminal window to work on some other things. But when I opened the terminal window back up again, I noticed that I had lost my root@pcname:~$ prompt that usually starts with my terminal opening up.

I have tried to kill anything running in the background but nothing seems to work. When I enter a command it just moves me to the next line without executing anything. Please help and answer in simple terms, as I am not incredibly Terminal-savvy. Thanks!

Best Answer

Your command is still running. Type Ctrl-Z to get your prompt back, followed by bg and Enter to let Minecraft continue in the background.

If you want to avoid similar issues in the future, call either the shell script itself or at least java with & at the end to put it into the background directly:

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar &