I added the username to /etc/sudoers but using sudo still asks for password

command linesudo

I entered my username in the sudoers file, but when using sudo in scritps, it still asks for the password.

This is my sudoers file:

~: ls -al /etc/sudoers
-r--r-----  1 root  wheel  1297 Aug 14 11:44 /etc/sudoers  


%admin  ALL=(ALL) ALL
petruza ALL=(ALL) ALL

(I also tried with %petruza but didn't work either)

I have a script to start XAMPP, but it asks for the password anyway:

sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp start

Best Answer

Please realize that disabling the password prompt for sudo is a huge security concern.

However, it is possible. Instead of what you already have, add this to your /etc/sudoers file:


Here is some more reading on this topic.