How to use your iPod shuffle or nano


I bought my first Apple product a few months ago, an iPod shuffle, a tiny little music gadget that's fun to play with. However its getting a little boring because I don't know what I can do with it or places I can use it. Currently, I'm limited to listening to it during sleeptime as a lullaby machine. What do you do with your iPod shuffle/nano? how do you get the most out of it?

Best Answer

Nanos or shuffles are great for workouts at the gym or while running. You can use them just about anywhere. I personally use a Classic for my stuff, but the nano is great if you have a smaller library or want something very mobile.

As far as what you can do with it (other than playing music), it really depends on which generation you have. You obviously can't really run 'apps' on it, but many generations (of nanos) had some small games, radios, could play video, etc.