How to tell if a bookmark already exists in Safari (v6.0.5)


I find I often wrestle with the implementation of bookmarks in Safari. Since I care to have my bookmarks simply and cleanly synchronized by iCloud, I continue to use the (inadequate) bookmark features of Safari. My specific question is: Is there a way to tell if a site is already bookmarked? I have 1000s of bookmarks, organized by folders. It seems pretty straightforward for Safari to know when I hit CMD-D to initiate a bookmark that it already exists in my collection. Am I missing this feature that is already implemented?

Best Answer

Safari has a bookmark search function in the top right corner of the bookmark menu window,

Just paste the new bookmark (or type first 3 letters) in to it and it will tell you if it already exist.

It is also useful in finding bookmarks in a very large library.

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