How to sum values over a range of dates in Numbers


I have the following formula

SUMIFS(Daily Log::Income,Daily Log::A,"≥"&A3,Daily Log::A,"<"&A4)

that I want to sum income over the associated month. As you can see, it's not doing what I am expecting it to—how can I effect what I need?

enter image description here

Best Answer

It works by dereferencing the value of a cell directly to the condition


SUMIFS(Daily Log::Income,Daily Log::A,">=2014-07-01",Daily Log::A,"<2014-08-01")

Referencing the cell could also be made possible with the same construct; by adding ampersand followed by the cell name outside the double quotes.


SUMIFS(Daily Log::Income,Daily Log::A,">="&A3,Daily Log::A,"<"&A4)