How To Strip All Finder Attributes for Some Device

extended-attributesfinderhigh sierrantfs

After copying files to an NTFS and FAT Extended devices, I ended up with numerous misplaced finder attributes, due to the broken NTFS and FAT support in OSX's Finder. I.e. I get these can't be changed because they are in use errors, when trying to access any file, but non-finder apps access them fine, although say cp preserves attributes while copying, so attribute hell spreads like virus by copying.

How do I just delete all attributes at once? Instead of doing xattr -d file.ext for each file? Is there some hidden folder where OSX stores metadata? Because Neither FAT or NTFS support the OSX's metadata streams.

Best Answer

rm ._* does the trick for FAT, which has attributes are stored in these ._ prefixed files, but doesn't work for NTFS, which embeds them into filesystem.