How to set up a virtual machine on the MacBook Pro


Ideally, I'm looking for free or low-cost solutions… I'd like to test out a variety of operating systems (windows, linux, mac os, etc).

Any help is appreciated!

Best Answer

You basically have three options for Virtualization on Mac OS X:

  1. The already mentioned (and free) VirtualBox
  2. The first solution for Mac (and arguably one of the best ones these days) Parallels for Mac
  3. The very famous VMware Fusion, from VMWare Inc.

Any of these will allow you to run a variety of OSs under OS X without resorting to bootcamp or repartitioning.

The last two are not free, but -depending upon your needs- vastly superior in terms of features to VirtualBox. I have the three. I have used the three extensively. In its current versions, Parallels is ahead of VMware. But this changes very often with new versions. Virtual Box is ok but slower (to virtualize) and has way less features.

VMware is very stable. It never crashed in more than three years of daily usage. Parallels does perform certain tasks faster than VMware, but will occasionally crash the VM. (It happened about 5 times in a two year period).

In the end, either will work if you don’t need anything fancy.