How to select more than one file in LaunchBar


Is it possible to select multiple files in LaunchBar? (For example, I may want to select two files in a folder and "drag" them to another folder.) How do I do that?

Best Answer

An update for LaunchBar 6

Version 6.0 introduced a slick way of selecting multiple items. The LaunchBar folks call it the “Sixth Sense”. Selected items are held in a “staging area” and can be acted upon all at once using typical LaunchBar tools.

  • Typing Command-A will select all items in the search list.
  • Typing a Comma (“,”) will select the current item and allow you to move on to select more.
  • Pressing Shift will scrolling up or down with the arrow keys select continuously as you scroll
  • You can undo these actions by repeating them with a selected file. Hitting Escape clears the selections.

The selection then works with other actions: Press Tab to send them to another folder, etc.

There’s a discussion at the LaunchBar blog